Meet David Glickman
the man who will make your speech funny

David Glickman has been a professional speaker and entertainer for over twenty-five years and has presented several thousand programs. Before transitioning from “show business” to “speech business,” he worked with everyone from The Beach Boys to Steve Martin and performed at private parties for singer Gloria Estefan and former President Jimmy Carter.
He has appeared on “Evening At The Improv” and several other national television shows—including the national PBS special “Miami Comedy Fest,” for which he also served as the Executive Producer.
David joined the National Speakers Association in 1999. He began to meet many incredibly talented professional speakers. As he watched them deliver their powerful keynote speeches, he couldn’t help but see countless opportunities for them to add humor to make their programs funnier.
At the same time, many of these very talented speakers began to witness David’s ability to customize humor in his own keynote speeches—and wondered if he could help them do the same thing for their presentations.
And thus began the unique humor writing service, Funnier Speeches, developed exclusively for the purpose of “punching up” existing speeches.
David’s first clients in 1999 were other keynote speakers. As the business expanded, it grew to include clients who did not speak full-time for a living but still needed to make a powerful impression when they
made presentations. This included corporate executives, often CEOs and others in important management roles.
By 2010, Funnier Speeches had grown to include clients whose speeches were not work-related, but still needed some “humor help.” These speeches covered a wide range of events: From a toast at a wedding to a eulogy at a funeral. From a high school student council election to an acceptance speech for a prestigious award.
Today, Funnier Speeches serves the needs of a wide array of clients. While the core business remains punching up speeches for professional speakers, the service has grown to help ANYONE who will be standing in front of ANY audience, for ANY occasion.
One of the reasons that David is so effective in serving as your personal humor writer is that he continues to be out there himself, as a hilarious keynote speaker. He KNOWS what will get laughs on stage.
In 2011, David received the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation. This is the highest earned designation awarded by the National Speakers Association, achieved by less than 10% of professional speakers.
In 2016, David was awarded the Council of Peers Award for Excellence (CPAE) and inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame. This is a lifetime award for speaking excellence and professionalism. To date, 232 men and women have received this honor.
David makes his home in Tampa, Florida with his wife and two sons. They are also very funny.

Click below to learn more about David’s
work as a keynote speaker.
“David, you are amazing! Thank you for helping me be funnier. Your responsiveness, your work and your added-value are exceptional.”